Thanksgiving Fire Safety

According to the National Fire Protection Association, the number of cooking fires on Thanksgiving day is three times higher than on a normal day. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, now is the perfect time to refamiliarize yourself with some key fire safety tips. Before you start roasting the turkey, be sure to follow a few simple safety tips to avoid a disaster, so that you and your family can enjoy Turkey Day.

Kitchen Safety

Use these precautions to prevent fires when cooking in a busy kitchen.

  • Start your cooking with a clean stove and oven. Remove any food and grease buildup from burners, stovetop, and oven. 
  • Stay in the kitchen the entire time you are cooking and avoid becoming distracted by guests. 
  • Stay in the home when you are cooking the turkey, set a timer, and frequently check on it. 
  • Keep children away from the stove and any hot surfaces. Use the back burners if possible.
  • Keep a flame-resistant oven mitt, potholder or lid nearby to smother any flames. 
  • For an oven fire, turn off the heat, and keep the door closed. 
  • Check that your smoke alarms are working properly and have an escape plan that all of your family and guests know in case of a fire.

Turkey Fryers

If you choose to fry your turkey, prepare ahead of time by reviewing these tips. 

  • Never use a turkey fryer indoors, in the garage, or on a covered area (i.e. porch), due to the fire hazard.
  • Read and follow the manufacturer's guidelines.
  • Completely thaw the turkey before frying. 
  • To avoid overfilling the fryer with oil, test it out with water beforehand. Place the turkey in the fryer and add water until the turkey is submerged. Then remove the turkey and mark the water line. The line will then be your guide for filling the fryer with oil. 
  • Never leave the turkey unattended. 
  • Keep children and pets as far away from the fryer as possible, even after you have completed frying your turkey. This is because the oil will remain hot for hours after frying. 
  • Be sure to use the oil that is recommended by the manufacturer. (Different oils ignite at varying temperatures.)
  • Keep the liquid propare tank and the fryer burner at least two feet apart. 
  • Use the proper protective equipment, such as well-insulated potholders or oven mitts and safety goggles.
  • If the oil starts to smoke, immediately turn off the gas supply. 
  • Keep an all-purpose fire extinguisher nearby.
  • If a grease fire occurs, NEVER use water to extinguish it.

Fire Extinguishers

There are four different types of fire extinguishers; A, B, C, and D. Each fire extinguisher is designed to put out fires of the corresponding letter. For example, Extinguisher A is designed to put out a Class A fire. 

Note: Some types of fire extinguishers can be used on multiple types of fires (i.e. ABC fire extinguishers)

The PASS System

When using a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym PASS

  • Pull the pin

  • Aim at the base of the fire

  • Squeeze the handle

  • Sweep the hose side to side while continuing to aim at the base of the fire


Safety Tips When at Work or at Home

  • Always ensure that you activate the emergency alarm and notify the proper personnel. 
  • Only use a fire extinguisher on a fire that is in its beginning stages. Fires that have been burning for a longer period of time will be hotter and spread more quickly, putting you at greater risk for injuries. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment. 
  • Make sure that all fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment are accessible at all times. Remove any clutter around the extinguishers and equipment. 
  • If you are not trained to use a fire extinguisher or do not have one available, evacuate the building immediately. 
  • Avoid breathing in the dangerous fumes and smoke.
  • If dangerous fumes and smoke are present, activate the emergency alarms, notify the proper personnel and evacuate.


